Alone With God

Experiencing the Power and Passion of Prayer

“Our Father, Who Is In Heaven…”

Alone with God — such an opportunity should be the Christian’s greatest longing. Yet so many of us struggle to spend even brief amounts of time with the Father. Join John MacArthur as he turns to the perfect mentor on prayer — Jesus.

MacArthur delves deeply into the Lord’s Prayer, devoting a chapter to each petition of Jesus’ revealing communion with the Father. You will find that Jesus focuses His entire prayer on God — His adoration, worthiness, and glory — and you’ll come away refreshed and anxious to follow an invigorating biblical model for your very own time Alone with God.

Reader’s Guide For Group Discussion & Personal Reflection

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Dr. John MacArthur is pastor of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, and president of The Master’s College and Seminary. Known for his dynamic expository preaching, Dr. MacArthur is heard daily on Grace to You, a syndicated radio broadcast. His many books include The MacArthur New Testament Commentary Series, The Gospel According to Jesus, Our Sufficiency in Christ, and other books in the MacArthur Study Series: Anxious for Nothing and Saved without a Doubt, among others.

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