More than Enough: Restoring Our Confidence in the All-Sufficient Savior

Emotional scars, Anxiety & Panic attacks, Sex Addiction, Physical Sexual Abuse, Co-Dependency, Substance Addiction, Anorexia, Bulemia, Depression, Mania, Bipolar disorder…

The misery of the sinful human heart is real and it expresses itself in a multitude today’s “disorders” or “illnesses”. The list of emotional and mental problems people face in the church is only growing.

This raises a question for the believer: Is Christ alone adequate? Is He who he claims to be and can His Word do what he promises it will do? Or, like many today, should those who are crushed and broken be turned over for help to drugs and so-called “experts” who offer psychology and therapy?

In this practical and encouraging book, Steve Fernandez has skillfully examined the scriptures and left no doubt that the answer has not changed. It is what the Church has always held—that the Lord Jesus is More than Enough.

“..there is no aspect of a person—no scar, no pain, no wound of the soul or damaged emotion—that cannot be directly touched by His renewing and sanctifying grace. To teach otherwise… is to detract from the Savior; it is to diminish His great soul-healing glory.”

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Steve Fernandez (1948-2013) was the founding pastor of Community Bible Church, Vallejo, California. Prior to that, Steve served for four years as an associate pastor at Valley Bible Church in Hercules, CA. Steve was also the founder and president of The Cornerstone Seminary in Vallejo, California, and a co-founder and instructor at Grace School of Theology and Ministry in Pleasant Hill, where he taught for 25 years. His ministry was marked by a burning passion to love and exalt Christ, a deep love for the flock and a zeal for Christ’s glory to all nations. The Lord took Steve home to be with Him the evening of Resurrection Sunday, March 31, 2013.


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